Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Don't waste anything, nature created only one time - Everything gives by nature only

Don't waste anything, nature created only one time - Everything gives by nature only

Every artificial things comes with nature only. Man will make/creates artificial things from nature/natural resources.

Man is having knowledge on creating artificial things and destroy more natural resources.
Whatever man thinks he will understand and found the solution to create.

Don't waste valuable things. Example: Minerals, Granite, Furniture, Gold, Diamond, etc.
Everything is valuable and need to take care and use it more than one crore years.

If we waste more or we can use it in wrong direction, the things/products cost will increase very high.
Waste is more means, demand will be high and manufacturing/production will be high [cost will be increase].

Poor people can't be able to purchase/use it because of high cost.

Protect the nature, grow the nature of green. It will survive uncountable (infinity) years with healthy environment.

Nature is not only of human beings, it is for all living beings and living creatures.

More explanation is required to understand nature of life and its purpose and goal.

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