Friday, February 12, 2010

* How Nature starts in universe

How Nature starts in universe -
Before knowing this you read the topic "Second - Everything knows" for understood the base -
"Magical Wonderful Secret Power" : zero world (void) : from first second originates intention : intention with different expressions(thoughts) -
Different thoughts having different kind of characters, properties, adjectives and so many -
The analysis of thoughts in different ways to get something and understanding with so many views, directions, variations to search thought by thought and compare within then finally identification of thoughts got the "Sense" as confidence by procedure -
Sense means it can't forget and it knows everything and also intention(expressions of thoughts their actions) of feelings in anytime and with identification also -
Whenever sense to create something it wants power and also soul because that shape having the stability to stand -
Without soul nothing creates, nothing happens -
For great power the sense once closes and starts itself within that period (less than second) to get power through Supreme soul state (Inner feel of meditation) -
The power is nothing but enlightenment of sense, it is an atom(visualization of Supreme soul) of Light/Brightness -
After getting power the sense first creates Place (Universe, Great-Supreme world, Space) -
The place having with so many small atoms and every atom having special kind of activity, intention with characteristics, properties and adjectives of the soul (without atom nothing is there even place also : atom having soul, its need otherwise nothing creates) -
How much space wants to create, it means the sense implementing in all ways of the infinity thoughts by atoms in future also (everything is preplanned) -
For changing the intention(feel) of atom(change the raw state) it requires variation of temperature -
The temperature needed primarily Cool(Moon) and Heat(Sun) -
Here main point is the moon(first) and sun(after moon) created in this period of time (moon and sun also group of atoms) -
Here the moon and sun are created by light/brightness it means the light energy produced by enlightenment of Supreme soul -
The intensity of moon temperature(cool) makes very high in different variations by sense intentions, some atoms starts to change the raw state as air (the air and water intents first starts in this period : first air then change to water) -
The heavy cool of air forms into minute water drops and it finally forms into ice -
After getting ice again change into hard state as solid by heavy cool intensity with different intentions -
The hard solid state becomes/forms into mountains, hills and so., in different places with different shapes -
The intensity of sun temperature(heat) makes very high in different variations by sense intentions, the vibrations(earthquakes, volcanoes) starts making cracks in mountains and hills (The valley's are formed this situation) -
For this vibrations valley's, water falls, caves are formed and also big, small stones, sand particles, pebbles, precious stones, soil, dust and so many ..(by various frictions, blasts) -
The "ice mountains" are melting as water, it flows from ridge to valley and the water catchments are formed as seas, rivers, pond, canals, and so many .. -
The variations of sea shells are formed by so many variations of water actions and inside mineral of sea (this is a variety formation of shells) -
Here according to heat clouds are formed and then started as rains like Tsunami, the heavy rain flow makes soil in different colors(red, black and mixed) in different places -
The soil types are so many like loose soil, hard soil, sandy soil, sand lands(deserts) also -
These types of changes happen by so many frictions in mountains and hills and also water flows (the colors also changes) -
According this situations as a long period the minerals, oil mines and so many formed in various colors -
Here the water flows in different soil layers the raw dust(also raw stones) formed into minerals(different type of mines)by so many frictions and the wastage of liquid forms into oil minerals (here the frictions are happen by flow weight according to temperatures as a long period of time) -
whenever soil and water mixing the atoms are changes as minute seed formation as its growth to form as with roots and small leafs then finally it becomes a plant -
The plants are grown in different types in different ways and form in to forests (area of trees ) -
After formation of trees : micro organisms, insects, birds, animals are developed in different fields (air, water, earth/land) then so many changes happened for a long time -
Some Important points :
The space before it is dark(entire day), after moon and sun the space having half day dark and half day light -
Whenever atoms forms into ice(water drops) the group of atoms weight increases then the mass starts to rotation by gravitational force -
The mass was become as earth, to control the gravitational force the earth is rotating by "moment of force" -
From the moment of force the earth rotation itself, it takes one day time as per observation (the rotation is vertical way, one cycle rotation : one day)-
The mass(ice mountains) contents are different places in different shapes, these also making rotation in different areas and forming into planets -
As per the earth, other planets are not sufficient to live for any living thing because of atoms reaction (if any possible to live, that is also changes of atoms from time) -
According to planets the moon and sun are created before, the energy of stars having more brightness so the stars also created as long time before than moon and sun (as per my intent) -
Here any intent is not good for you, I will be living an atom of thought in your knowledge -

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogger "gsystime" to read my intent of information. // Spread Universal //
