Dream is an imagination of thoughts to visualize at the time of sleep. -
The visualization is having diffrent kinds: audio, video, audio with video, mono actions with different speed and also frames, photos, graphics, etc.,. -
Whenever you close the eyes you see only the black color, that is like a black screen, it visualizes pictures as similar to projector. -
Dream World is behind your "Eyelid", behind of eyelid having black screen that is visualizing the dreams, imagination of thoughts. -
Why it is behind of eyelid, Whenever you open the eyes visualization of dream stops and then see the real world. -
Man having special kind of sense that is called "SubSense", it orginates at the time sleep and also you are in unconsiousness state -
Whenever you see the black screen long time the subsense makes to starts the visualizations with different imagination of thoughts. -
In Dream the Mainsense have the control on visualization but not keen observation according to your needs and expectations -
In one sleep many dreams are you visualize and you remember after wakeup from sleep and also some dreams you do't know (forgot) -
The Thoughts of imaginations are so many ways: -
You are in long sleep the brain functionality going to slow, at the time the way of brain thinks searching the thoughts for analise the pending work by subsense as Dream -
In sleep according to your past experience, present thoughts, intentions and future expectations : the imagination starts like as Dream -
This Dream based on your mentality and functioning of thoughts according to your quality and positon of work in real world -
Some Dreams are not related to your imagination because there is no observation of thoughts, the sense makes its own way -
Some Dreams related to your past births, you do't know why happens like and also what they express, you can,t understand and can't guess any information -
The analization of past births takes long time because that dreams related to your soul, this is some part of imaginations only -
Some dreams are having same kind of concept, those are occuring by repeatitions of information/activity in your dialiy life (some people talking alone in sleep by repetiton or stretching the words) -
You can imagine yourself with more expectations in any way there is no limit -
When the Dreams are stops: -
In your body pain will be starts by sleepling long time in one posture, you change the posture then the dream stops or continuous otherwise new dream starts after some time -
According to the Dream you wakeup suddenly, because the dreams are very crucial, harror, danger, something else, etc.,. -
By natural dialy routine activities makes stops the dreams also unhealthy -
Why some people walks at night time in middle of sleep: -
Those people wakeup suddenly at the time, the sense was not in active and can't think continuously on paritcular thought -
Here subsense and main sense is working with so many interruptions and takes time to clarify the thoughts after wakeup (Interruption time) -
In interruption time people are walking with unknown thoughts with distrubance (this time eyes not open, it means dream also working this time). -
The speed of thoughts getting slow, thinking of imaginations can't reach the visualization (here imagination of thought making to picturization with high speed) at the time dreams stop -
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