Something discuss with more than one person
The knowledge is difference at the point of matter
The long discussion is going to mis-match
Try to understand within time otherwise you miss lot
something is true
something is false
These are does not match
Something is more
Something is less
These are does not match
Something is good
Something is bad
These are does not mathch
Where is the match
say something without more
Life only match in heart
A few things are in the mind
Thouch the wonder, that is in my hand
Again I want touch another, that is in my mind
A few things are in the mind
Look at the nature, that is in my eyes
Again I want see, that is in my dream
A few things are in the mind
I am going there, that never reach
Again I want go there, that never ends
Life is only understanding the knowledge and nature
It depends on the time and also place of your attempt
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